Wednesday 13 June 2012

USE your Friends

A lot of people cannot fathom can thought of USING another human being #Gasp!#
Friends make life a little sweeter... and easier!

And yes I have the audacity to still call them friends... because they are
Let me reiterate. "Utilize your friends’ strength and weakness" in order to have a better standing in life... and less dirt on your hands.

Don’t feel guilty

They are also doing it to you except your judgement is clouded by love and affection . When you have to be their sounding board whilst they vent about work/relationships or how much weight they have gained. Or when you have to assist in prepping for their kid’s birthday party. Or even pick up the tab for that friend who is always low on cash. You are being willingly used... and it’s ok.

Now it’s your turn.

When I was growing up I was never bullied – not once. Not because I was a junior Mike Tyson, but because I had junior Evander Holyfield as a friend. As I got older I realised there are certain things I do not have to do when I can get someone else to do them for me.
In the workplace, you find those bold people who are always looking out for the little person – become their friend. They will come in very handy when you are passively fighting for recognition and arguing your own case would be a career limiting move.

What’s the point?

Do not waste your time and energy on things that someone else can willingly do for you.Also, there are certain lessons in life, you do not have to personally experience in order to learn from. You do not have to have crabs in order to learn about sexually transmitted disease. We all have those friends who just cannot seem to get it together – keep them around for life lessons but be careful not to let them drag you down with you. 

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